Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The second mitten was doomed from the start, apparently. After spending hours untangling the mess that Maddie made of my yarn, then balling it back up again (into two balls because somehow she broke it off somewhere in the middle - I'm blaming her, anyway), I set to work again on the mitten. I had to frog what was left of mitten #2 because I couldn't figure out where I had been in the pattern when all H-E-double hockeysticks broke loose. So I frogged the mitten and began again. I've finished the mitten and I won't even disturb you by posting pics of it - somehow it is considerably smaller than mitten #1. Hmmm....maybe it will block out. I worked on weaving the ends in, during a particularly harrowing evening of two little boys who didn't want to and wouldn't go to sleep (and instead spent two hours annoying the you-know-what out of each other and their mother!) I barely gave it a thought when I weaved the ends in at the top of the mitten until I finished and went to turn it right-side-out. WHAT!?!?!?! It was already right side out. Yes, I had woven and snipped and it looks downright ugly.

What to do?

I'm going to order another ball of yarn and try again.

In the meantime, I'm working on a sock, and some dishcloths, and making my own DPN's and I am going to start on John's London Beanie. The Purl Bee has a pattern for an adorable (and I do mean adorable) little girl's dress (and you're right - I have no little girls - but I know some!). The pattern is for crochet though, and I don't crochet. Yet.....

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