Well, well, well. So, I broke down and ordered the Noro yarn (with speedy delivery, I might add), so that I could cease my bad habit beginning tomorrow. Guess what? Uncle Stan the Mailman failed me today and did not bring my package (ok, so I know it isn't his fault, and I shouldn't shoot the messenger, but isn't it just easier?) Tonight at the stroke of midnight the leftovers in my pack will meet with the trashcan and I won't have my Noro to go to. Whatever am I to do? I'm a bit freaked out. I have been working on the second mitten I started on months ago (ended up trashing the original second one due to the mess Maddie made of my yarn - see old post). I will probably work on it when the 'smoking jones' hits me. Still, would be more exciting if I had a new project to begin when this awful habit ends!
Speaking of said second mitten, this one isn't go so well either. It looks a little wonky. Maybe I should frog it today while I still am a smoker because if I wait until tomorrow to fix the 'wonkiness', frankly, it may drive me over the edge.
Goodbye 2008, goodbye nasty habit. Hello 2009.
Oh Crap. 2009. I've kind of been dreading this year. My first baby graduates high school in May and will be going off to college (somewhere - that's a blog discussion for another day) this summer and I.AM.JUST.NOT.READY.
I'm going to go outside and have a smoke.
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