Monday, January 19, 2009

19. Have you ever noticed...

How wonderful a quiet house sounds?

James is outside in the shed, John went to visit friends, CJ and Ryan have gone to bed, Maddie is pacing in the laundry room (quietly), and Jasper is sleeping at my feet.

Ahhh...The TV is turned off. The only sound is the furnace and clicking of the keys as I type. It is very seldom that the house is this quiet, especially with a new puppy.

Not that I mind the giggles the puppy brings out in the boys. It is a sweet sound, especially as we had sobbing a couple of weeks ago with the passing of Whitey.

I'm sure if I had more than five minutes of this solitude, I'd probably not relish it as much. There are those who are lonely in this world and don't have the hustle and bustle of a busy home (and isn't a busy home a happy home?). For those people, I feel a little sorry. Solitude is like anything else - too much is really too much. But for me?

This is just enough. I'll take it.

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