It began with a babysitter arriving at the door at 7:00 am sharp. Dad and I snuck (is that a word?) quietly out of the house for an early morning date...(wait for it).....
Butchering meat. Yes, that exciting time of year again. (Actually, this is lie. The meat was already butchered. We only go to the actual processing portion of the experience. The farmers we buy our meat from takes care of that other part which I don't really care to be a part of. Really, though, if you are a family of meat eaters, buying fresh is really the only way to go. You have absolute certainty that your meat grew up on a farm and was well cared for. And the price can't be beat, as well. I do think it is kind of a shame that Dad and I were so excited for some time to ourselves, that this morning felt almost like a date. It was nice though.
Then we came home in time for a nice nap while the boys were napping (R only really - C was busy playing video games and would not stop racing long enough to - gasp - nap. He's too old for that - just ask him. I, however, am not too old for a good nap. I will forever relish this experience - a nice short nap refreshes the mind!
Now comes the best part of the day - Dad took the boys with him to do some work/visiting a friend of his. Yes, the boys LOVE to go with their Daddy, and while I know it is more work for him to care for the boys than actual work gets done, I appreciate these times immensely. As I was readying the boys for the trip out the door, Dad says "Aren't you coming?" I said...
"Nooooo. I've got so much work to do around here this afternoon. You guys will have fun."
Dad looked a little scared, but I handed him a bag of snacks for the boys, ushered them all to the door and closed it firmly behind them. Ahhhhh..... the peace and quiet. There is not a TV on (or 3!!!!) in this house. Not a creature is stirring. Well, except for the Divine Miss M. She looks really annoyed in this pic, doesn't she?

Now, for some knitting content. I give you one complete set of Women's Open Palm Mittens, in Knit Picks 100% Baby Alpaca Andean Treasure, color: Midnight...

So sister is getting this pair. (These haven't been blocked yet, so ignore wonky look they have about them.)
Next is the beginning of the Noro scarf in Noro Silk Garden #'s 211 and 284...

Lastly, I never showed you my latest beanie. It fits R, but for some reason he doesn't like it as well as his first one. It will go into the gifts-waiting-for-recipients stash. This is done in Knit Picks Swish Worsted, Color Delft Heather. It took a complete 50 gram ball and fits an average size 5 year old head. Pattern is kind of one of my own doing, not really following a pattern, but more of a recipe.

I have no idea what I will show you tomorrow. Doesn't the excitement just about kill you? Don't let it. There is nothing exciting planned around here. I may have to resort to a fill-in.
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