Sunday, February 28, 2010

There's an App for that.

I am loving my new iPhone, probably a bit too much. It's just so handy. I've downloaded some apps (mostly for free!) and thought I'd mention some of my favorites.

1. Handy Level - I'm so not good at eyeballing something and telling if it is straight or so crooked as to look as if it went through an earthquake. This App is exactly what it's name implies. And again, to use the's handy.

2. ISpadez - I have been addicted to Spades for years. Back in the day, we would spend entire weekends playing Spades, with real actual cards. Then we got old and married, and played with other couples before the little ones came along, again, with real actual cards. Then the Yahoo Games came along, and you could play with complete strangers from your desk at work (ahem!). That was fun because you could get lucky and get paired with a great player, or unlucky and get paired with a moron. Either way, it was pretty interesting. I got a real job, though, and couldn't play anymore. Enter this iPhone app. Technically, I probably could play at work, but I don't. I do play when I'm stuck somewhere, like waiting at the license bureau, or the Dr's office. Oh the joy of wasting time!

3. Flashlight - I didn't think I would need this app. But our power went out one night, and of course, I couldn't find the flashlights that one would normally keep in the house for such an occasion. So I promptly downloaded this app and found my way back to bed!

4. Keeper - This is a (password protected) password keeper. I HATE how I have to have a gazillion different usernames and passwords for different websites and accounts. Some websites make you stand on your head while whistling dixie to find a password they'll accept, but you know you'll never remember. Keeper is great for that. You can type in the name of the site or account, your username and password and it keeps it for you. A great app for a memory challenged gal such as myself.

5. Gorillacam - This app helps you hold your phone straight so your pictures don't come out all wonky-like, and it also helps prevent the shakiness that makes my pictures...well...all wonky-like.

6. PandoraBox - An app that gives you a daily list of apps that have gone on sale - and many are free!

7. Pandora - This is an awesome music app! You type in the name of a song or artist that you like and it creates a radio station that plays similar types of music. It's really great!

8. Yahoo Music - Another music site, although I don't think it's as great as Pandora.

9. Mass Times - This app gives you mass times for Catholic churches in whatever area you are in. I don't know how trustworthy the app is though, as the test one I used was for my own church and it is about two years out of date.

10. iRosary - If you pray the rosary, this is kind of cool. It has the prayers listed, along with the Mysteries. It also has a customizable rosary that moves through your fingers as you recite the prayers.

11. iConfess - This app is just kind of wierd. It is password protected, and has lists of sins that helps you examine your conscience. You can flag any sins you have commited, and then lists them on a special 'For Confession' page, along with the prayers for confession. This is supposed to be for you to reference while you are in confession. I'm not sure, but I think if I tried to pull out my iPhone during confession, Father would probably think I'm a nut, among other things.

12. Facebook - The coolest app ever! You are never far from your friends and family with this app! Now if all those farmers and bakers and mafia people would stop begging me to build their barn, feed their animals, fertilize their crops, take some baked goods off their hands and knock somebody off, I could get down to the real reason I facebook - to see what's going on in everybody's REAL world.

That's it for my app suggestions. Time for me to go find something to do that doesn't require the use of my iPhone. Goodnight, all!

1 comment:

Christie said...

I LOOOVE Pandora! I've found tons of great music!