Yes, I am the World's Worst Blogger. 'Tis true. You may note that my last blog entry was about a camping trip, with green, green grass and shirtless little boys excited about going to the pool. As I sit here tonight watching the snow fall outside, I realize that some time has passed since my last blog. Sue me.
The issue here is partly that I know that no-one reads this blog. You know how your life is full of things you should do, because maybe they are good for you. But if nobody is watching, you find yourself not doing those things? Yeah. Kind of like this.
But screw it. I'm going to (attempt) to blog anyway. Largely because there has been some undocumented knitting going on in my life since last summer. And I was getting ready to order yarn that was PERFECT for the baby sweater I made last fall, and I have a baby explosion going on with my friends and family. And I cannot for the life of me remember what the hell yarn I used for that baby sweater. I know the color was called Petal. That's it. Don't know where I got it from. Don't know what weight it was. Don't even fully remember the material. Was it Alpaca? (No, I'm sure it wasn't.) Merino? Superwash? What the hell?!?! If I had been a good little blogger, there would have been pictures here, with details. (Why, yes, I am a member of Ravelry, where they have great applications for keeping record of such things. But that would mean I'd have to use it. See the above paragraph where I talked about doing things that are good for you.) Ravelry is a great site, by the way, for finding patterns. I'm just never going to remember to keep my stash records updated. Never. Ever. Not gonna happen. So here I am. Back in blog world. Hold me to it, will ya?
Current WIP: a prayer shawl for a very dear friend in need of prayers. I'm using Lion Brand Homespun in a great color that can't be named in this post because I already lost the damn ball band. (Note to self: Don't do that again.) Using size 13 needles and the pattern Easy Triangle Shawl by Lion Brand.
No pictures as my camera has gone kaput. Maybe a new camera is coming my way. I mean, how can a girl blog and keep good records without a camera? Yeah. Just what I thought. I'll work on that plan.
Until next time, enjoy the snow. There's more on the way.
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